Simple Tips to Start a Perfect Pet Parenting Journey

published on 29 April 2023
Your Sweet Little New Family Member
Your Sweet Little New Family Member


Suppose you're a new dog parent overwhelmed and confused by the endless resources available online on how to care for your pet. If that's the case, this read will give you a good overview of how you can provide your furry buddy with happy and healthy living at home.

We've carefully curated this blog under the guidance of experienced vets to cover everything you need to remember for your pawfect canines, with key pointers and dog care tips to keep in mind as you begin your pet parenting journey!

1.   Nutrition for Pet Dogs

Let's begin with the most crucial aspect of pet parenting: giving your dog a nutritious meal! A healthy meal, one that not only keeps your doggo's belly full but also keeps him energetic and proactive throughout the day, is a must.

While a lot of commercial dog food brands such as Pedigree, Royal Canin, and Drools have made our lives easier, providing our dogs with an excellent nutritious meal on the go, home-cooked food is, without a doubt, the most healthy and inexpensive option to give a balanced diet to your dog. It is always advisable to check with your vet first, as the foods that may be beneficial and harmful differ from breed to breed.

Which nutrients to offer and in what quantities depends on the dog's breed and age; hence, this section will provide you with an overview of types of dog foods and nutrients to enable you to make a better decision.

  · 5 Types of Dog Foods

Today, as general 'know-how' of dog food is easily known to most pet parents at the snap of a finger, it is essential to know which kind of dog food is best suited for your canine and when.

Kibble (Dry dog food) - Many pet parents prefer kibble, ingredients grounded and shaped into pellets, for their pooch as it is one of the most easily accessible and pocket-friendly options. An added benefit is that dry dog food reduces tartar and leads to healthier teeth and gums for your dog. Most dry packaged dog foods also provide full nutritional benefits, with you having to put in little effort for their day-to-day meals. With various choices, flavors, and mixtures available in the market, you will find dog food for all stages of a dog's growth. However, it is essential to note that kibble varies per breed. So, for small breed dogs such as a pug, smaller pieces of kibble are advised as they're easier to chew and rarely cause choking hazards. And, although large-sized kibble is a good option for medium or large-breed dogs, it's necessary to closely monitor their eating habits as they are more prone to 'overfeeding' with larger bites of kibble.

As a pet parent, you should read all the ingredients mentioned on the label as dry packaged foods are also heavy on carbohydrates and could cause common dog health issues for your pooch!

Canned - Dogs generally prefer the taste of canned dog food over dry food. While canned dog foods are easily accessible, have a longer shelf life, and require little preparation, they have an unpleasant odor compared to dry dog food that might irk you! Canned dog foods also contain more water, which can lower the number of nutrients for your pooch. Thus it is recommended that you choose dog food in cans carefully. Read the label carefully - it will either mention 'complete and balanced' or 'only for intermittent/supplemental use,' which will directly indicate its nutritional benefits.

Semi-Moist - Semi-moist foods are commercial dog foods that resemble hamburgers, pork chops, or other meaty foods. These dog foods will likely have artificial coloring, flavoring, and preservatives. Additionally, they may contain more salt, sugar, and water, thus making them unhealthy alternatives for your dog. While you may offer your pet semi-moist foods as occasional treats, they should not be a part of your pup's daily diet.

Home Cooked - Home-cooked meals ensure you regularly meet your pet's nutritional needs. Home-cooked dog diets must contain a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat. Should you feed your dog a home-cooked diet straight from the table, get well acquainted with canine nutrition to be sure your dog is getting all the vital nutrients for its overall development. An excellent home-cooked diet contains:

  • At least 10% protein, such as chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef
  • Up to 50% carbohydrates, which can come from rice, pasta, and potatoes (also provide some fiber)
  • About 2.5-4.5% fiber from vegetables such as peas, green beans, and carrots
  • At least 5.5% fat, usually in the form of vegetable oil
  • Dog-specific vitamins & mineral supplements

Feeding your dog a home-cooked diet may be time-consuming, but the extra effort is worth the peace of mind pet parents will likely gain.

Raw - This dog food has fresh, uncooked ingredients, including raw meat and animal organs. If you are a frequent traveler, dry raw dog food can be more convenient as it has a longer shelf life than freeze-dried natural dog food. Three types are readily available – refrigerated, dehydrated, or freeze-dried.

It is also one of the most expensive dog foods available, hence only used as a supplement occasionally. However, most dog parents seem to avoid raw diets as they may lead to common dog health issues while also carrying harmful bacteria that your dog can pass onto you, making it a health hazard even if your pooch stays healthy.

· Foods to Avoid for Your Dog

All in all, while many dog food options are available in the market today to suit your pet's nutritional needs and provide a balanced diet, it is crucial to avoid foods high in fat, sugar, or salt content:

  1. Chocolate
  2. Onions
  3. Garlic
  4. Grapes
  5. Raisins
  6. Cooked Bones

These foods are highly toxic for all dogs regardless of age and breed. They are most likely to result in long-lasting digestive problems and other common dog-health issues such as diarrhea, constipation, and kidney failure.

· Healthy Foods for Dogs

You should rely on something other than just milk and the modest home-cooked roti/chapati for your pet's nutritional requirements. It's important to include fruits, veggies, and meat in your pooch's diet is essential. Also, please abstain from giving milk to pups under the age of six months and that you dilute the milk with some water before giving it to adult dogs.

Here is a list of specific foods that are safe and healthy for your dogs and are readily available in most households - 

  1. Lean meats such as beef, chicken, and turkey
  2. Fish such as salmon and tuna
  3. Eggs
  4. Vegetables (broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, and the like)
  5. Fruits such as apples, bananas, and blueberries
  6. Plain, unsweetened yogurt
  7. Brown rice
  8. Sweet potatoes
  9. Peanut butter (in moderation)
  10. Limited amounts of certain dairy products such as cheese and cottage cheese

Veterinary care for dogs is a must when determining their nutritional plans, from the daily calorie intake required to the correct amount of protein to keep your doggy fit and energetic all day. 

For instance, a dog weighing around 15 kgs should have approximately 30 gms of protein (600 cal - 1000 cal /day) depending upon growth, age, breed, and other health conditions.

2. Exercise and Activity for Dogs

You may keep your dog engaged through puzzle toys or games and even teach them new tricks, such as fetch the bone on a timer - an all-time classic! However, if you're highly active and believe in healthy living, a great way to bond with your dog could be through exploring dog yoga or even going on hikes/treks together!

A pet parent or not, long walks with your dog will become a part of your daily routine once your doggo is around. But above and beyond regular walks that keep your dog physically active and going, it is also imperative to mentally stimulate them and switch things up every once in a while for a change of scenery, either through long drives, occasional visits to dog parks, or even pet-friendly cafes where they can get some head pats from other humans and feel like a hero no less!

Having said that, merely 20-30 minute walks daily are also enough to keep your doggo's senses active. It will lead to a healthier and fitter dog by keeping its digestive tract in check, eventually having a happier pup!

3. Grooming and Hygiene for Dogs

Have you seen your dog roll on the floor, licking or chewing and biting her fur? These are all ways for our little friends to clean themselves up! Just like us, dogs, too, can be a little shy to ask for help when it comes to maintaining personal hygiene and grooming them, but occasionally, a good wash can go a long way and help keep the ticks away!

Here are a few simple tips to keep your canines handsome and healthy!

  • Bathing - Honestly, it's a big win if your dog loves bathing and prefers staying clean, as bathing your dog can be one gigantic task you are likely to debate on quite often. Unless and until your dog isn't outdoors now and then or has skin problems, bathing your dog every two to three weeks is enough, as per vets.

However, here are a few things you should keep in mind while bathing your doggo:

  • Choose your pet's shampoo carefully. Human shampoos aren't toxic or dangerous to your pet; however, some may contain added fragrances that can cause irritation and adverse reaction to your dog's skin. We highly recommend using commercial dog shampoo made especially for them.
  • Do not spray water directly into your pet's ears, nose, or eyes. Since shampoos and soaps may contain irritants, protecting your dog's ears, nose, and eyes is essential. We suggest using a long water hose that you can control. Alternatively, you can avoid giving your doggo a shampoo all at once, and instead, use a damp, wet cloth to remove dirt in parts. You may also cover your dog's ears with cotton balls to avoid water going into their ears. (It's a must if you have dogs whose ears are exposed, such as the German Shepherd, whereas it may not be required for a golden retriever.)
  • Brushing - Regularly combing and brushing your pet's hair will help keep it healthy and thick by clearing away debris, distributing natural oils throughout their fur coat, reducing tangles, and maintaining their skin's cleanliness while reducing irritation. Brushing is also the best way to keep checking whether or not your dog's caught on some fleas (black pecks) while outdoors!
  • If you were wondering how often you should brush/groom your dog's hair, it depends entirely on their coat type (breed specific). For instance, if your dog has a short and smooth fur coat like a chihuahua or a boxer, you need not brush more than once a week. Whereas if you have a dog with a long luxurious fur coat like a golden retriever or a Pomeranian, your pet needs daily brushing to detangle their hair and keep debris away.
  • Dental Care - It is necessary to regularly brush your dog's teeth and provide them with complete mouth care from an early stage, just like we do for our kids. It helps to keep plaque from forming, which can eventually harden the tartar and cause gingivitis, receding gums, and tooth loss even at an early age of four!
  • It is best to use commercially available toothpaste made especially for canines. Alternatively, you can make a simple toothpaste using baking soda and water (stay away from Colgate and the kinds made for us humans.)
  • Halitosis or bad breath may be the early signs of a mouth problem because of bacteria growing from food particles caught between the teeth or increasing gum infection. The long-lasting foul-smelling breath may also indicate digestive issues that must be monitored and require special attention.

(Pro Tip - Chew toys can be a great way to keep your dogs engaged and make their teeth naturally strong while satisfying their need to chomp and bite, even helping reduce stress levels!)  

  We recommend you see a vet and consult as soon as you notice signs of common mouth problems to avoid long-lasting ailments.

4. Vaccination for Dogs

  • Getting your dog vaccinated in time is crucial to avoid diseases. It is the most effective way to help your dog live a long and healthy life. First and foremost, please vaccinate your puppy with core vaccines for canines such as parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis, rabies, and leptospirosis. We also recommend providing non-core vaccines such as Bordetella, canine influenza (dog flu), and Lyme vaccine. It is also crucial to give booster doses to an adult dog per the vet's recommendations.

You may consult us to schedule a vaccination appointment for your pet either at our partner vet's facility or at your home.


While canines can prove to be our best friends, we, as their pet parents, have to do our best to help them lead healthy and balanced life at home. In a nutshell, here are a few things to remember and take note of:

  • Make sure you provide your dog with a complete nutritional meal. One of the easiest ways is through dry packaged commercial foods available in the market. Alternatively, you can provide a nutritious home-cooked meal that can be healthy and inexpensive.
  • Avoid foods high in sugar, fat, and salt, such as chocolate, onions, and garlic. 
  • Regular walks are necessary for any dog to live a long and healthy lifestyle. It is equally important to mentally stimulate your dog through games and new tricks.
  • Regarding grooming and hygiene, while bathing your canine once every three weeks would be ideal, it depends on your dog's breed and fur type as to how much attention is required here.
  • You must invest in a chew toy for your dogs; it helps to strengthen their teeth and reduce stress actively.
  • Lastly, it is crucial to get your dog vaccinated in time - (take note that other non-core vaccines are also available for your canine, depending on their health issues).

  We hope this guide helps you step into your journey of becoming a pet parent with ease. Please note that all information mentioned above is only a brief outline of pet care. To know more, visit


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